Record compiled: Mi, 02. Mai 2018, Revised: Do, 03. Mai 2018, 00:00:00 by: CM

→ Citation

Allan Keiler, Liszt on Schubert’s 'Alfonso and Estrella'. Introduced and translated by Allan Keiler, in: Franz Schubert and his world, hrsg. von Christopher H. Gibbs und Morten Solvik, Princeton N. J. 2014 , S. 183-200.
Document ID: 6881
Author Allan Keiler
Document Type:Aufsatz in Sammelband mit (siehe)
Document Title: Liszt on Schubert’s 'Alfonso and Estrella'. Introduced and translated by Allan Keiler
Found in: linked with:
Page:183-200   Column/Page: Page
Call numbers: Call number A: Sch.I.   Call number B: 4040   Call number C: (WA)
HK: HK fix: II S    HK variable: 732
NK: NK fix: WA REZ   
Revised on: Mo, 30. Nov -1