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Record compiled:
Mo, 30. Nov -1
, Revised:
Mi, 02. Mai 2018, 00:00:00
by: RF
→ Citation
Christopher H. Gibbs und Morten Solvik (Hrsg.),
Franz Schubert and his world
, Princeton N. J. 2014.
Document ID:
Christopher H. Gibbs
Morten Solvik
Document Type:
Sammelband (Autoren als Herausgeber)
Document Title:
Franz Schubert and his world
linked with:
Schubert: The Nonsense Society revisited
Excerpts from 'Beyträge zur Bildung für Jünglinge', 1817–1818. Anton von Spaun and Johann Mayrhofer. Translated, introduced and annotated by David Gramit
"Those of us who found our lifes in art": The Second-Generation Romanticism of the Schubert-Schober Circle, 1820–1825
Schubert’s Kosegarten Settings of 1815: A forgotten 'Liederspiel'
The Queen of Golconda, the Ashman, and the Sheperd on a Rock: Schubert and the Vienna Volkstheater
Liszt on Schubert’s 'Alfonso and Estrella'. Introduced and translated by Allan Keiler
Schubert’s Freedom of Song, if Not Speech
Schubert’s 'Tombeau de Beethoven': Decrypting the Piano Trio in E-Flat Major, Op. 100
Schubert in History
Princeton N. J.
Princeton University Press
Year of publication:
Call numbers:
Call number A: Sch.I. Call number B: 4040 Call number C: (F)
NK fix: WA
Revised on:
Mo, 07. Aug 2017