Record compiled: Mo, 04. Apr 2022, Revised: Mo, 04. Apr 2022, 00:00:00 by: FL

→ Citation

Lisa Feurzeig und David Romand, Two Perspectives on Psychology in "Winterreise". Section 1: The Emerging Discipline of Psychology. Section 2: Explorations of Human Behavior Outside the Academic Sphere, in: The Cambridge Companion to Schubert's Winterreise, hrsg. von Lisa Feurzeig und Marjorie Wing Hirsch, Cambridge 2021 , S. 91-113.
Document ID: 7115
Author Lisa Feurzeig
David Romand
Keywords # 911   Philosophie   Psychologie   ROMANTIK   
Document Type:Aufsatz in Sammelband mit (siehe)
Document Title: Two Perspectives on Psychology in "Winterreise". Section 1: The Emerging Discipline of Psychology. Section 2: Explorations of Human Behavior Outside the Academic Sphere
Found in: linked with:
Page:91-113   Column/Page: Page
Call numbers: Call number A: Sch.I.   Call number B: 0  
HK: HK fix: IV S    HK variable: 911
Revised on: Mo, 04. Apr 2022