Record compiled: Mi, 19. Nov 2008, Revised: Mi, 19. Nov 2008, 17:52:26 by: CM

→ Citation

James William Sobaskie, A balance struck. Gesture, form and drama in Schubert's E-flat-major piano trio, in: Le style instrumental de Schubert. Sources, analyse, évolution, hrsg. von Xavier A. Hascher, Paris 2007 , S. 117-148.
Document ID: 5944
Author James William Sobaskie
Document Type:Aufsatz in Sammelband mit (siehe)
Document Title: A balance struck. Gesture, form and drama in Schubert's E-flat-major piano trio
Found in: linked with:
Publisher: ?
Page:117-148   Column/Page: Page
Call numbers: Call number A: Sch.I.   Call number B: 3515   Call number C: (WA)
HK: HK fix: VI S    HK variable: 929
Revised on: Mi, 19. Nov 2008