Record compiled: So, 31. Dez 2006, Revised: Do, 20. Nov 2008, 11:16:33 by: CM

→ Citation

Peter Gilroy Bevan, Adversity: Schubert´s illnesses and their background, in: Schubert Studies, hrsg. von Brian Newbould, Aldershot 1998 , S. 244-266.
Document ID: 2581
Author Peter Gilroy Bevan
Keywords KRANKHEIT   
Document Type:Aufsatz in Sammelband mit (siehe)
Document Title: Adversity: Schubert´s illnesses and their background
Found in: linked with:
Publisher: ?
Page:244-266   Column/Page: Page
Call numbers: Call number A: Sch.I.   Call number B: 2524   Call number C: (WA)
HK: HK fix: BG BES    HK variable: KRA
Revised on: So, 31. Dez 2006