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Record compiled:
So, 31. Dez 2006
, Revised:
Mo, 22. Jul 2024, 00:00:00
by: FL
→ Citation
The Schubertian,
The Schubertian. Journal of The Schubert Institute (United Kingdom)
, Sheffield 1995ff.
Document ID:
The Schubertian
Document Type:
Zeitschrift / Infos aus Zeitschriften
Document Title:
The Schubertian. Journal of The Schubert Institute (United Kingdom)
linked with:
From "Stabat mater" to "Totengräbers Heimwehe": Schubert's propinquity to Pergolesi
'Do you remember?' in 'Der Lindenbaum': Does a Well-Known Melody from his Era Resonate in Franz Schubert's 'Der Lindenbaum', D. 911, No. 5?
Franz Schubert as painted by Gustav Klimt and Julius Schmid
Schubert´s Piano Trio in E Flat D 929 (´The Swedish´). The extent of Schubert´s debt to a Swedish folksong in his late masterpiece
Not a dance but a song
Schubert and the Exotic. The Macpherson ('Ossian') and Walter Scott Settings
Beyond Tovey; Schubert´s Viola (D 786)
Schubert's Goethe Settings: A Reappraisal
The Therese Grob Song Collection of 1816
Translating Lieder: A Pandora Box
Schubert and Vienna´s First Lieder
The Autobiography of Joseph Lanz
Finishing the 'Unfinished'
An uncollected Moment musical: Thoughts on D 915
Robert Schumann on Schubert's 'Great' C major Symphony
Schubert and Beethoven: Song Links
Beethoven and Schubert: Vocal and Instrumental
Herbeck and Schubert
Schubert at the swimming-pool? Musa versus Aqualine. Sports and nonsense among Schubert's friends Musa the fairy or The Transformed Youths
Schubert, Kupelwieser and Kaleidoscopes
Adaptations of Schubert's Music for Sacred English Use
Reception and Beyond: New Thoughts on Schubert in 19th-Century England
Beethoven's Septet and Schubert's Octet
The Child Schubert in Conrad Graf's Piano Workshop in Währing
Schubert's handwriting
Names in History: Austria since Schubert's Time
The trout and the maiden
A Schubert movie
Schubert at the movies
Second thoughts
A new Schubert poet
Rosamunde princess of Cyprus. Play by Helmina von Chézy. Incidental music by Franz Schubert. Edited and arranged for performance by Sir Arthur Sullivan
A letter from Schubert to Helmina von Chézy
Schubert first public performances: a timeline
Schubert's piano sonatas: attempt at a chronological survey and description based on Michael Endres's CD recording
Schubert's piano sonatas: attempt at a chronological survey and description based on Michael Endres's CD recording. Part II: The mastery of the form (1819-26)
Schubert's piano sonatas: attempt at a chronological survey and description based on Michael Endres's CD recording. Part III: The last three sonatas
Schubert's Latin Masses: A personal appraisal. Part 1: Masses 1–3
Schubert's Latin masses – a personal appraisal. Part 2: Masses 4–6
Schubert’s chamber music with piano
Schubert and happiness
'On the lake': One picnic, two Schubert songs and three poems
Ethics, Aesthetics and Schubert
Animals in Schubert's songs
The other Schubert
Musical Dialogues: The Violin Sonatas of Schubert and Schumann
Schubert and the defining of Romantic song
Schubert: Lazarus
On Britten and Schubert
The Last Andantino. Reflections on Schubert and the Andantino of his 1828 Sonata in A Major.
How Tall (or Short) was Franz Schubert?
Song, sonata, symphony: Schubert makes connections
Wie Ulfru fischt D 525 – an unshaven fantasy
Whatever happened to Symphony No 7?
Why Winter Came for Women. Exploring the exclusion of women from Winterreise’s performance tradition
What is the real meaning of Schubert's famous "Wiegenlied"?
Die Zauberharfe: Salvaging Schubert's 'lost' opera. A new orchestral suite by Brian Newbould
The art of Ludwig Hofbauer
Schubert and the unfinished: a self-critical artist in perpetual search
Clara Schumann's Relationship to Schubert
The Quarterly Song: "Das Echo": How a prelude can provide a synopsis
The Schubert Institute
Year of publication:
Call numbers:
Call number A: Sch.I. Call number B: 3216 Call number C: (A)
ab 1995 (Nr. 10), Stehsammler
aktueller Stand: Nr. 122, July 2024
[April 2017 enthält eine "weibliche" Diskographie der "Winterreise"]
HK fix: A
Revised on:
Mo, 22. Jul 2024